


By Norm Foster
Directed by Jarrod Buttery

SEASON:  Friday 10th - Sunday 26th March

Cast (in alphabetical order):
Charlie: Jarrod Buttery
Natalie: Meredith Hunter
Iris: Kate O'Sullivan

Precious Little Talent


By Ella Hickson
Directed by Ellis R. Kinnear

SEASON:  Friday 9th - Sunday 25th June

CAST (in alphabetical order):
Joey: Elysha Hayes
Sam: Mitch McAullay
George: Tom Rees

Director: Ellis R. Kinnear
Stage Manager: Zoe Garciano
Set Design: Ellis R. Kinnear
Set Construction: Brian Mahoney, Phil Redding, Grace Hitchin, Tina Barker, Rob Tagliaferri, Ellis R. Kinnear, Matt Cuccovia
Lighting Design: Rob Tagliaferri
Lighting Operation: Rob Tagliaferri, Callum Hunter
Sound Design: Vanessa Gudgeon
Sound Operation: Katharina Brieden
Publicity: Chris Thomas
Social Media: Vanessa Gudgeon
Bookings: TAZTix
Box Office: Jo Sterkenburg
Production Manager: Grace Hitchin
Front-of-House: Grace Hitchin & Members of Harbour Theatre

Banging Denmark


By Van Badham
Directed by Meliisa Merchant
WA Premier.

SEASON:  Friday 13th September - Sunday 1st October
Last two perfomances cancelled due to structural damage in Camelot Theatre.

CAST (in alphabetical order):
Ishtar: Grace Edwards
Jake: Ryan Emery
Danish Anne: Injeong Hang
Denise: Natalia Myślińska
Toby: Luke Osborne